As somebody who immigrated here at the not-so-young age of 16, I feel like I made so many mistakes that could have been easily avoided if only I came here at a much younger age or had an older sibling. 

I feel like I certainly had a disadvantage of moving here since I didn't have much time to assimilate into the culture given that I only had a few more years to go until I reached adulthood. Not saying that as soon as you hit 18, you have to be 100% independent, but that was pretty much the society's expectation. I honestly think that I might have fared better if I moved here at a way younger age, but then it is what it is. I honestly had no parental guidance in terms of what I should watch out for throughout my career. With my dad owning a clinic and my mom having been out of the workforce for decades with very little work experience, I was never able to ask for advice.  

Now there are a few people thinking that this tweet doesn't make any sense:

You should have done an informational interview to figure out the industry rate prior to negotiating the salary. 

But then the problem is that you have to network to do an informational interview. How am I supposed to network if I don't know any professionals? What if the only people that I know are fellow teenagers who work in minimum wage jobs? I surely didn't want to work at minimum wage jobs for the rest of my life! Then they would go on and say Nope, I was actually talking about jobs beyond post-secondary. Regardless, it's still the same situation. Since all my family's contacts are either in Korea or US, I legitimately was not able to network properly. The sad thing is that I didn't even know that networking was necessary to land a good job and pave the path for an excellent career.

Perhaps you deserve less than your coworker. 

Jesus Christ! That's definitely what you want to believe in. The reality is that the employer must have hired her because she is qualified. If she is equally qualified as her peer doing the same work, then why is she being paid less? This doesn't logically make sense. The type of person who pushes this bullshit logic probably proudly engages in favouritism, constantly comparing your preferred staff with the one you don't give a shit about and it has nothing to do with the difference in terms of skills/experience.

Don't be greedy and jealous because this is not a good personality trait to have.

If you are getting paid unfairly, I think you have a right to complain. There is a thing called "industry wage" which would lead people to leave if it is not met. Don't tell me that you don't know about this. This is the exact same excuse that was made by slave owners ages ago. Whever the slaves complained about harsh working conditions, the slave owners will say that to appreciate the fact that at least they have shelter and work to do. I would say that the people who keep on saying this are the ones who are greedy (for not wanting people from a minority background to receive equal pay as them) and jealous (over the fact that the argument for inequality is perfectly logical). 


"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." - C. S. Lewis

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