Even if you make 500K per year, what if you genuinely want to make more money? It's none of your business to intervene and try to stop them from doing so. Like he says, if your work quality is good and you do all the work you are hired for, it doesn't matter if you have another income source. 

And then he later on makes another post saying what he actually meant was that there are people who don't deliver properly and hence he doesn't like the idea of having multiple jobs. Why do I feel like his true intention was to force employees to dedicate their entire lives into their company? 

On top of that, this Faris person is holding multiple current positions himself. Talk about double standard!

"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." - C. S. Lewis

TTYT님의 창작활동을 응원하고 싶으세요?