This is why I had such a negative reaction to this video: 

His children didn't ask to be called king and queen. 

This point is moot because I highly doubt that his kids want to be called king and queen. His comparison doesn't make any sense because the point of this policy is to accept whichever gender the child identify as. Also, if a kid wants to be called a king or queen, why not call them that way? I have known somebody named princess and I literally called her princess because that's her name. Similarly, a lot of people get offended when others call them the butchered version of their name just because it's difficult to pronounce. 

The idea that school only exists to teach students academic subjects doesn't make any sense. 

No institution in the world serves a single purpose. Even a workplace doesn't exist to solely make profit. At the airport they have volunteers who are mostly seniors but then they mostly volunteer to socialize amongst their peer group or with people whom they don't really have an opportunity to talk with in real life, like gen Z (obviously not their actual grandkids). The same can be applied to a school as well. I'm not even a parent, but I understand that school exists to teach kids social skills such as how to read the room in a low stakes environment. 

How does him being Christian have anything to do with his argument? That's like me saying "By the way, I was born and raised in Korea" every single time I start to voice my opinion. 

This preface sounds like people saying "no offense" while spewing out bullshit, as if that's an excuse to be rude. Omg, let's be real! Being a Christian doesn't necessarily mean that you are against people transitioning. There are Christians that are way more tolerant than you, so stop pretending that you are a representative of all Christians in the world. In fact, that's a sad life to live. You run your life based on religion. So what you are saying is that if one day you become a Jehova's witness, you are  going to refuse blood transfusion. 

He's basically saying that the school have no right to shove down the ideology down his throat, but the school never forced him to call his children's friends based on their preferred pronoun. 

Then why are you shoving your ideology down my throat? Because basically what you are saying is that you are forcing me to call people based on the gender they are born with regardless of how people feel about it. What the policy is saying that they want the school staff and faculty to call students based on their preferred pronouns. Nobody said that they are forcing you to do the same. Hopefully his kids never have any LGBTQ friends because their dad is too aggressive towards minority. 

I'm not anti-Christian necessarily, but this is the problem with religious people. They take their religious script way too literally so they don't take into consideration that religious scriptures are filled with metaphors, it can be interpreted in many ways, and the way it advises people to treat other people are simply outdated. 

If you are going to make a counterargument saying that the new policy is "stupid" with the same facial expression as Squidward when Spongebob is laughing outside makes it even less persuasive. 

I don't know how many more times I have to emphasize this, but the specific wording and attitude matters a lot. Two people would say the exact same thing but one would infuriate others while the other will get people to calmly listen. I have seen and heard this happen many times in my life, but unfortunately this dude fits the latter category. I can speculate that this guy in real life probably gets into a lot of unnecessary conflicts because he has difficulty controlling his emotions and doesn't think through on what he is about to say. 

"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." - C. S. Lewis

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